Introduction to Web Development
Webpage and Website
- Digital document on the World Wide Web.
- Written in languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- Contains text, images, videos, links, and more.
- Delivers information, media, and functionality.
- Retrieved from a web server using a URL.
- Accessed through browsers via URLs.
- Contains text, graphics, and hyperlinks.
- Can be static (unchanging) or dynamic (changing content).
- Dynamic pages use scripting languages like PHP, Perl, ASP, JSP.
- Scripts on server generate content like date, time, and database info.
- Content returned as HTML code.
- Browsers translate HTML for display.
- Collections of interconnected web pages.
- Hosted on a single domain or web address.
- Accessed through web browsers.
- Provide information, resources, and services.
- Created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- Can include multimedia elements.
- Accessed via URLs in web browsers.
- Collection of interconnected web pages.
- Grouped together and linked.
- Referred to as “web site” or “site.”
- Created by individuals, groups, businesses, or organizations.
- Serve various purposes and functions.
- Accessed through web browsers.
- Enter URL in browser’s address bar to visit a site.
- Search engines help find websites.
Web Browsers and Search Engines
- Software for locating, retrieving, and displaying web content.
- Enables access to web pages, images, videos, and files on the World Wide Web.
- Allows users to enter website addresses and browse the internet.
- Essential for accessing websites and online content.
- Early browsers like Mosaic and Netscape Navigator rendered HTML and supported bookmarks.
- Modern browsers handle HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, multimedia, and more.
- Many browsers offer extensions and plugins for added functionality.
- Examples include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer.
Web Development Process
- Planning and Requirement Analysis:
- Define the purpose, goals, and target audience of the website.
- Gather requirements, features, and functionalities.
- Design:
- Create wireframes or mockups outlining the layout and structure.
- Design the user interface (UI), including colors, typography, and visual elements.
- Write HTML, CSS, and sometimes JavaScript code to create the user interface.
- Ensure responsiveness for various devices and screen sizes.
- Develop the server-side logic and databases.
- Implement functionality, data processing, and interactions.
- Combine the front-end and back-end components.
- Test for compatibility and data flow between both ends.
- Perform comprehensive testing, including functionality, usability, performance, and security.
- Identify and fix bugs and issues.
- Upload the website to a web server or hosting platform.
- Configure domain, server settings, and databases.
- Make the website live and accessible to the public.
- Monitor for any issues that might arise after launch.
Overview of Various Internet & Web Technologies
Overview of Internet
- Global network of interconnected computers.
- Allows communication and sharing of information worldwide.
- Built on a decentralized architecture.
- Uses standardized protocols like TCP/IP.
- Enables access to websites, email, file sharing, and more.
- Originated from ARPANET in the 1960s.
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide access.
- Web browsers are used to access web content.
- Facilitates online communication, commerce, and collaboration.
- Continuously evolving with new technologies and services.
Uses of Internet
- Communication
- Information Access
- Education
- Entertainment
- E-Commerce
- Research
- Work and Business
- Social Networking
- Banking and Finance
- Healthcare
Misuses of Internet
- Copyright Infringement
- Cyber Crime
- Hate Speech
- Spread of Misinformation
Web Technology
- Refers to technology operating on the World Wide Web.
- Enables businesses to enhance tasks and databases with mobility.
- Accessible from any location through the Internet.
- Also known as SaaS (Software as a Service).
- Paid based on usage, no software installation required.
- Accessible via simple signup and browser URL.
- Example: Configuring devices through a web-based console.
- Includes mark-up languages (HTML, CSS, XML), CGI, JavaScript, and HTTP.
- Encompasses programming languages, web servers, databases, and business applications.
- Set of rules for data transmission.
- Governs communication between devices/systems.
- Defines format, order, and timing of messages.
- Enables effective and standardized interaction.
- Essential for networks, telecommunications, software applications.
- Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
- Used to locate resources on the internet.
- Includes protocol, domain/IP, and path to the resource.
- Standardized way to access web content and files.
Domain Name System
- Hierarchical system.
- Translates domain names to IP addresses.
- Enables user-friendly web addressing.
- Facilitates internet resource access.
- Digital messages sent over the internet.
- Include text, images, attachments, links.
- Use protocols like SMTP, POP3/IMAP.
- Sent, received, and organized via email clients or webmail services.
- Types of Email: Email Client, Webmail.
Content Management System (CMS)
- Stands for Content Management System.
- Manages content using a database.
- Used for website development.
- Updates content and structure.
- Often open-source and free.
- May offer paid options like templates and plugins.
- Example: WordPress, Wix, Web flow, Tumblr, etc
- Content Management Application (CMA), Content Delivery Application (CDA) are two parts of CMS.
Feature of CMS:
- User Management: Manage user roles and information.
- Theme System: Modify site appearance and functionality.
- Extending Plugins: Add custom features using plugins.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Built-in SEO tools.
- Media Management: Organized and upload media files.
- Multilingual: Supports content translation.
HTML the Language of the Web
- Scripting language for creating hypertext documents on the web.
- Invented by Tim Berners-Lee around 1990.
- Based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language).
- Later evolved into XHTML (Extensible Markup Language) by W3C.
- Uses tags to define structure and presentation of content.
- Platform-independent, works on various operating systems.
- Browsers interpret HTML tags to display content.
- Provides tags for graphics, fonts, colors, and hyperlinks.
- Versions include HTML 1.0 (1990), HTML 2.0 (1995), HTML 4.0 (1998), XHTML (2000), HTML 4 (2014).
Objectives of HTML:
- Create web pages for websites.
- Essential markup language for web pages.
- Allows adding graphical elements like videos, images, rich text.
- Facilitates customization with HTML5 and newer versions.
- Learn coding tools: code editor and browser developer tools.
- Create hypertext links to various online resources.
Structure of HTML:
- Divided into two parts: the head and the body.
- Start with the declaration: ‘<!DOCTYPE html>’.
- Four primary container tags: ‘<html>’, ‘<head>’, ‘<title>’, and ‘<body>’.
- Tags must appear as pairs with both opening and closing tags.
Published and Hosting (Web Publishing and Web Hosting)
Web Publishing:
- Process of sharing content on the internet.
- Involves creating websites, updating pages, and posting blogs.
- Content includes text, images, videos, and more.
- Requires web development software, internet connection, and web server.
- Software can be professional tools or web-based interfaces.
- Internet connection is needed for uploading content to servers.
Web hosting:
- Web hosting can be dedicated or shared.
- Web publishing is cost-effective, as it doesn’t require physical materials.
- Offers a global audience accessible through an internet connection.
- Service for posting websites on the internet.
- Web host provides technologies for website viewing.
- Websites are stored on servers.
- Users access websites by typing the domain in their browser.
- Domain ownership often required for hosting.
- Choose a reliable web host with good support and minimal downtime.
- Pay a monthly fee based on disk space and bandwidth needs.
- Estimate site size and traffic before signing up for hosting.
HTML Tags vs. Attributes
- Definition of a tag: Group of characters surrounded by ‘<‘ and ‘>’.
- Tag sections: Name, attributes, attribute value.
- Tag name: Unique identifier.
- Attributes: Tag properties, diverse attribute values.
- Example: <body> tag, bgcolor attribute with value green.
- Two tag types: Single tag, Pair tag.
Basic Tags of HTML
- <html> tag
- Marks the start and end of an HTML document.
- <head> tag
- Contains document title and general information (author, copyright, keywords, description).
- Defines webpage content displayed in the browser.
- Allows use of various HTML tags.
- Common attributes of <body> tags are:
- Color code format: “#rrggbb”.
- rr for red, gg for green, bb for blue.
- Values range from 00 to ff in hexadecimal
- ‘<meta>’ tag provides metadata about the HTML document.
- Includes information like character encoding, author, viewport settings, etc.
- Often placed within the ‘<head>’ section of the document.
Heading Tag (H1 to H6) and Attributes (ALIGN)
Heading Tags
- Six levels: ‘<h1>’ to ‘<h6>’.
- Importance increases from ‘<h1>’ to ‘<h6>’.
- Default display: larger and bolder font.
- ‘<h1>’ is most important, ‘<h6>’ is least important.
- Font size decreases from ‘<h1>’ to ‘<h6>’.
Font Tag and Attributes (Sizes: 1 to 7 Levels, BASEFONT, SMALL, BIG, COLOR)
<font> Tag
- Sets font properties: color, face, size.
- Default font size is 3.
- Default color is red.
- Default font face is Times New Roman.
<basefont> Tag
- Default font size is three.
- Modify default size with <basefont> tag.
- Use “size” attribute to specify font size.
- No closing tag for <basefont>.
Paragraph Formatting (P)
<p> Tag
- Marks a block of text as a paragraph.
- Adds space between paragraphs in a webpage.
Break Line BR
<br> Tag and <hr> Tag
- ‘<br>’ tag: Empty element to break a line without space.
- ‘<hr>’ tag: Insert horizontal rule to visually separate content.
- ‘<hr>’ is a single tag.
Comment in HTML (<! >)
Comment Tag and Space Character
- Start with ‘<!’ and end with ‘>’.
- Can span multiple lines.
- Can be placed anywhere in the document.
- Contents not displayed in browsers.
Formatting Text (B, I, U, Mark, Sup, Sub, EM, BLOCKQUOTE, PREFORMATTED)
General Text Formatting
- Utilize tags like bold, italic, underline, font, paragraph, heading, etc.
- Basic formatting elements for text.
- <br> tag creates line breaks.
<marquee> Tag and <pre>
- <marquee> tag:
- Creates simple text animations.
- Attributes include direction, behavior, width, bgcolor, scrollamount.
- <pre> tag:
- Maintains formatting from text editor.
- Displays HTML code as it’s written.
Special Characters
Ordered List- OL (LI, Type- 1, I, A, a; START, VALUE)
- Uses numbers for list items.
- Defined by <ol> and </ol> pair tags.
- Attributes and values can be specified.
- Attributes include “type” and “start”.
Unordered List – UL (Bullet Type- Disc, Circle, Square, DL, DT, DD)
- Uses bullets for list items.
- Supported bullet types: disc, circle, square.
- Defined by ‘<ul>’ and ‘</ul>’ pair tags.
Definition List
- Represents term and description pairs.
- Starts and ends with ‘<dl>’ and ‘</dl>’.
- Terms enclosed with ‘<dt>’.
- Descriptions enclosed with ‘<dd>’.
- Can also be used to create dialogues.
- ‘<address>’ tag in HTML shows contact info of a person/organization.
- In ‘<body>’, it’s document contact info; in ‘<article>’, it’s article contact info.
- Text inside ‘<address>’ appears in italic.
- Browsers may add line breaks before and after the ‘<address>’ element.
Inserting Image:
- ‘<img>’ tag inserts images in web pages.
- It’s a pair tag.
- Browsers display limited image types: GIF, JPG, and some support PNG.
- GIF and JPG are widely supported; modern browsers handle PNG.
- JPG is ideal for high quality, compression, and color variety.
- JPG format offers attributes and values for customization.
Inserting Object:
- Objects are external files like pictures, audio, video, etc.
- Plug-ins enhance browser functionality (Java, Flash, etc.).
- <embed> tag for external applications; <object> tag for embedded objects.
- Use <img> for pictures, <video> and <audio> for multimedia.
- For embedding webpages, use <iframe> tag.
Anchor Tag and Hyperlink
Creating Hyperlink
- Created using <a> tag in HTML.
- Defined by the “href” attribute.
- Links between files, webpages, images, emails, etc.
- Enables navigation between different web content.
- Open the linked page in the current browser window.
- “target” attribute with “_blank” value opens in a new window.
Links to place in other HTML documents
- Create the link to the target file.
- Downloaded when the user clicked using attribute download.
- Changed the hyperlink color by using <body> tag
- Unvisited hyperlink text appears as blue color, visited hyperlink as purple color.
Image Map
- <map> tag creates clickable areas on images.
- “name” attribute specifies the image map’s name.
- “usemap” attribute in <img> links to the <map> tag.
- <area> tag defines clickable regions on the image.
- “shape” attribute determines the shape of the clickable area.
- “coords” attribute specifies the coordinates of the shape.
Table: Creating Table using TH, TR and TD tags
Creating Table
- <table> tag defines a collection of rows and columns.
- <tr> tag defines a table row.
- <td> tag defines table data within a row.
- <th> tag defines table headers within a row.
- Optional <caption> tag for table captions.
Form: Creating form using Textbox, Radio, Checkbox, Text Area, Button
Creating Form
- Form allows users to enter data on webpages.
- Data is sent to the server for processing or storage.
- Various form elements based on input types.
- Elements have different attributes.
- Form defined by <form> tag.
- Form elements include <input>, <textarea>, <button>, <select>, <option>, <optgroup>, <fieldset>, and <label> tags.
- Specifies a label for form elements like <input>, <select>, etc.
- Recommended in HTML5 for better coding practice.
- Has attributes: “for” and “form”.
- “for” attribute links to the element’s “id”.
- Ensures alignment between <label> and <input> tags.
Creating Frameset
- Divides a window into sections.
- Embeds multiple webpages as frames.
- <FRAMESET> tag defines frames with “cols” and “rows”.
- “cols” and “rows” define column and row proportions.
- <frame> tag inserts webpages into frames.
- “src” attribute specifies source file or URL.
- No <BODY> in the file containing <FRAMESET>.
Introduction to HTML5 Elements including Audio, Embed, Source, Track and Video Attributes
Introduction to HTML5
- Fifth and newest version of HTML standard.
- Introduces rich media support and improved web application interaction.
- Features new multimedia tags ‘<audio>’ and ‘<video>’.
- Includes vector graphics and new semantic elements.
- Supports Drag and Drop functionality.
- Offers geo-location services.
- Provides web storage for offline data.
- Utilizes SQL database for offline data storage.
- Allows drawing various shapes.
- Handles incorrect syntax effectively.
- Simple DOCTYPE declaration: ‘<!doctype html>’.
- Easy character encoding with ‘<meta charset=”UTF-8″>’.
HTML5 Graphics using canvas and svg Tags
<canvas> Tag
- Used for drawing graphics on a webpage.
- Provides a transparent drawing area.
- Useful with JavaScript and styles.
- Attributes: “id” for unique name, “height” for canvas height in pixels, “width” for canvas width in pixels.
<svg> Tag
- Uses XML format.
- Defines vector graphics like circles, rectangles, polygons.
- Container for elements like <circle>, <rect>, <polygon>, etc.
- Used for drawing scalable graphics on web pages.
Structure of HTML5
- <main>, <section>, <article>, <header>, <footer>, <aside>, <nav>, <figure>.
- Organizes web content efficiently.
- Aids in content management and search optimization.
Concept of Domain Name and Web Hosting
Domain Name System
- Website address on the internet.
- Users access websites through domain names.
- Identifies computers using IP addresses.
- Easier to remember than numerical IP addresses.
- Limited to 63-character maximum, 1-character minimum.
- Follows protocol in the URL.
- Combination of letters and numbers with extensions like .com.
- Requires registration before use.
- Unique for each website.
- Ensures visitors reach the intended website.
Web hosting
- Web hosting involves posting websites on servers provided by hosting companies.
- Websites can be accessed on the Internet by entering their domain in a browser.
- Hosting requires owning a domain, which can be acquired through the hosting company.
- Choose a web hosting service with good technical support and minimal downtime.
- Monthly fees depend on site size and bandwidth usage.
- Estimate site size and expected traffic before selecting a hosting plan.
Types of web hosting
- Shared Web Hosting
- Reseller Hosting:
- Dedicated Hosting
- Managed Hosting
Cascading Style Sheet
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
- Stands for “Cascading Style Sheet.”
- Used to format web page layout.
- Defines text styles, table sizes, and more.
- Creates uniform look across multiple web pages.
- Styles defined once in a CSS document.
- Easily change styles across pages by modifying the CSS.
- Formats text, table cells, borders, images, and layout.
- Provides precise control over web page appearance.
- Often used in combination with HTML for modern web design.
Inline CSS
- Style defined using “style” attribute.
- Applied directly to HTML elements or tags.
Embedded CSS (Internal Style)
- Defined using <style> tag in the <head>.
- Applies styles to the HTML file only.
- Not visible outside the HTML file.
External CSS
- Uses separate .css files for styling.
- Ideal for managing many HTML attributes.
- Eliminates need to rewrite CSS in every HTML.
- Created by writing code in Notepad and saving as .css or directly in Visual Studio.
Some More on CSS
Class Style
- More flexible method
- A dot (.) operator is used
- Implemented on two way: element specific style and universal style
- Universal style starts with a dot (.) operator.
- Used any tag like: heading, paragraph, font, etc
- Inline container used to highlight or mark a line of a text.
- Using test related attributes within any tags such as font, paragraph, etc