C is a high level language because no need for any architecture knowledge in normal English form. C is a compiler because it can translate the whole program at a time so we can call compiler. C is structured programming language. It is called also procedural oriented programming language, function oriented language, module programming language. It is simple, reliable and easy to use.
C is a computer language and a programming tool which has grown popular because programmers preferred it. It is a tricky language but a masterful one.
The C programming languages has the following features:
Advantage of C language:
⮚ It is machine independent programming language.
⮚ It is easy to learn and implement C language.
⮚ It can be implemented from mobile device to mainframe computers.
⮚ It is the mother of all modern programming language.
Disadvantage of C Language:
⮚ There is no runtime checking.
⮚ It has poor error detection systems.
⮚ On large programs, it is hard to fix errors.
⮚ It does not support modern programming methodologies oriented programming language.
The compiler of C has a preprocessor built into it. Lines that begin with # are called pre-processor directives. Each C program must start with proper header files (i.e.<stdio.h>) starting with ‘#’, sign, ‘include’ and a header file name enclosed within triangle brackets.
A file that is defined to be included at the beginning of a program in C language that contains the definitions of data types and declarations of variables used by the functions in the program is called header file.
Some of the frequent used header files are explain below:
S.N. | Header File | Description | Main Functions |
1. | stdio.h | Standard input and output | fpen(), fclose(), rename(), gets(), puts(), getchar(), scanf(), printf() etc. |
2. | conio.h | Old MS-DOS compiler header file, used for console input & output. | getch(), getche() |
3. | math.h | Mathematical calculation in C program. | sin(x), cos(x), log(x), pow(x,2), sqrt(x), cbrt(x), ceil(x), floor(x) etc. |
4. | complex.h | Complex arithmetic | cpow(x,p), csqrt(x), ctan(x), ctanh(x), cabs(x) |
5. | string.h | String / Words manipulation function | strlen(y), strcpy(z,y), strcmp(z,y), strcat(z,y), strupr(y), strlwr(y) etc. |
6. | ctype.h | Character manipulation type header file | toupper(y), tolower(y), isupr(y), isspace(),
isalnu(y), toascii(y) etc. |
7. | stdlib.h | General purpose standard library. | rand(), malloc(), calloc(), abort(), exit() abs(), free() etc. |
A group of alphabetic, numeric and other characters that have some relationship with C programming language and recognized by compiler is called Character set. A character set can also contain additional characters with other code values.
The keywords, identifiers and other variables are constructed by using character set. The character set consists of following elements.
Identifiers:- Identifiers can be defined as the name of the variables, functions, arrays, structures etc created by the programmer. They are the fundamentals requirement of any language. The identifiers are defined according to the following rules:
⮚ Identifiers consists letters and digits.
⮚ First character must be an alphabet or underscore.
⮚ Uppercase and lowercase are allowed but not same, i.e. Text not same as text.
⮚ Only one special character underscores (_) will used.
For example, int a_b; Where a and _b are valid identifiers.
Keywords:-Keywords are the reserved words which have standard, predefined meaning in C language. Keywords cannot be used as names for the variables or other user defined program elements. There are 32 keywords available in C.
Common examples are as follows.
In a C source code, the basic element recognized by the compiler is known as tokens. A token is source program text that the compiler does not break down into components elements.
⮚ The keywords like int, float, if, for etc.
⮚ Identifiers like main, printf, void etc.
⮚ Constants like a,b,c etc.
⮚ String literals like name, address, phone etc.,and
⮚ Operators like &&, ! etc.
⮚ Punctuation characters such as [ , ] , { , } , ( , ) , ; , : are also tokens.
Data types:
It is the set of keywords to declare variables. A set of data that specifies the possible range of values in a program and stored in memory are called data types. Data types are used to define variables before use it.
Types of data types in C
1) Primary data types
2) Secondary data types
Primary Data Types: The basic fundamental of data having unit feature on C programming is called Primary Data Type.
Example :
Data Type | Type | Memory Require |
Format Specifies |
Char | Character | 1 byte | % C |
Int | Integer | 4/2 byte | %d |
Float | Floating point number | 4 byte | %f |
Long | Floating number | 4 byte | %ld |
Double | Large floating point number | 8 byte | %lf |
long double | Very large floating number | 12 byte | %lf |
Variable are simply names that can change the value while executing a program. It allocates memory space inside a memory of computer. A variable can have only one value assigned to it in every time of execution of the program. Its value can change in different executions.
✔ They must always begin with a letter, although some systems permit underscore as the first character.
✔ White space is not allowed.
✔ A variable should not be a keyword.
✔ It should not contain any special characters.
Types of variable
Constant variable:
A constant is fixed entity. It does not change its value during the entire program execution. Constants can be classified as:
The input and output data are formatted by specific pattern. These Patterns are generated by using specific tokens in C programs. These tokens used to format data are called specifier. Most of the specifier used by printf and scanf functions. Types of mostly used specifier are explained below.
❖ Escape Sequence: They are a type of specifier. These non printable characters are used to format text on the output screen. These escape sequence character are place after backslash \.
Escape sequence | Name | Meaning |
\’ | Single quote | It prints ‘ in output |
\” | Double quote | It prints ” in output |
\n | New line | It creates new line in output display |
\t | Tab | It creates tab or 8 spaces in place of \t |
❖ Format Specifier: The output and input data are display and receive in specific pattern. Format specifier uses the token % and character(s) after it. It is used to format for all types of data i.e. integer, float, character and string.
Format Specifier | Used by scanf() function |
%d , % i | Signed integer + or – number o to 9 |
%f | Scans floating point numbers. |
%s | String, Collection of character i.e. word |
%c | Character, one single key stroke. |
An operator is a symbol that operates on a certain data type. The operator generally remains between the two operands. An expression is a combination of variables, constants, and operators written according to the syntax of the language. The data items that operators act upon are called operands.
Types of operator:
The arithmetic operators perform arithmetic operations and can be classified into unary and binary arithmetic operations. The arithmetic operators can operate on any built-in data type. A list of arithmetic operators and their meanings are given below:
Operator | Meaning |
– * / % |
additional or unary plus
subtraction or unary minus multiplication division modulo division (returns remainder after division) |
The relational operators help to compare two similar quantities and depending on their relation, take some decisions. If the condition is true, it evaluates to an integer 1 and zero if the condition is false. The basic types of relational operator are:
Operator | Meaning |
> <= >= == != |
less than
greater than less than or equal to greater than or equal to equal to not equal to |
The logical operators are used to give logical value either true or false. They compare or evaluate logical and relational expressions. There are three logical operators.
Operator | Meaning | Examples |
&& | Logical AND | (a>b) && (a>c) |
|| | Logical OR | (a>b) || (a>c) |
! | Logical NOT | !(a==b) |
The increment and decrement operators are very commonly used in C language. The increment operators and decrement operators are extensively used in the loops using structures such as for, while, do, etc. The syntax of the operators is given below:
++<variable name>
–<variable name> <variable name>++ <variable name)– |
Pre increment
Pre decrement Post increment Post decrement |
The pre increment operator increases the value of the variable by 1 and then the processing does whereas post increment first processes and increase the value of it by 1.
A conditional operator is very rarely used. This can be carried out with the conditional operator (? : ) An expression that makes use of the conditional operator is called a conditional expression. This can replace the if-else statement. The syntax of conditional operator is:
Expression_1 ? expression_2: expression_3
During evaluating the conditional expression, expression_1 is evaluated at the first step. If expression_1 is true (nonzero), then expression_2 is evaluated and this becomes the value of the conditional expression.
The special functions that are well defined in C programming languages are called library functions such as printf(), scanf(),strlen(), sqrt(), tolower(), toupper(), getchar(), putchar() etc.
Control structures are those programming constructs which control the flow of program statements execution in a program. Types of Control Structure
i) Branching / Decision ( Selective Control Structure)
ii) Looping (Repetitive Control Structure)
iii) Jumping (Unconditional Control Structure)
It is mainly used for decision making. It is also called conditional statements. Selection is made on the basis of condition. We have options to go when the given condition is true or false. The flow of program statements execution is totally directed by the result obtained from checking condition. Types
a) Conditional Statements:
i. if statements:
It is used to execute an instruction or block of instructions only if a condition is fulfilled. Syntax,
E.g. Write a program to read a number and find even or odd by using if().
ii. if else statements:
If the condition is true then the if() portion statements are evaluated otherwise else part of the statements are evaluated.
if( condition)
Block of statements;
Block of statements;
E.g. Write a program to input any two numbers and display the largest one.
iii. if() else if() statements
When we have two or more condition to be checked in a series we can use if else if statement. It is also known as multiple conditional statement or multipath conditional statement /if else ladder. Syntax,
e.g. Write a program to find the largest number among three input number .
iv. Nested if else statements
An entire if else statement written within the body of if part or else part of another if else statement is called nested if else statement. It is used when a condition is to be checked inside another condition at a time in the same program to make decision.
E.g. Write a program that reads marks of five subject and calculate total mark and percentage. Also awards the division on the basis of following criteria.
Percentage division
p>=75 distinction
p>=60 and <75 first
p>=45 and <60 second
p>=35 and <45 third
otherwise failed
b) Switch case statements:
The switch statement can be used instead of multiple if() else conditional statements. The switch control statement is mainly used to generate menu based programs.
E.g. Write a program which reads any two integer values from the user and calculates sum, difference and product using switch case statements.
The looping statement is also called repetitive or iterative control structure. Looping statements are the conditional control flow statements that repeats a certain portion of the program either a specified number of times or until a particular condition is satisfied or true.
Types of loop
i) For Loop
ii) While Loop
ii) Do while Loop
i. For Loop:-
The execution of for loop until the condition is true. The for loop is a entry control loop because it checks the condition at entry point.
2. Write a program to display even numbers from 1 to 20 and display their sum also.
3. Write a program to find out sum of the cubes of first 10 numbers.
Nested for loop:
When for loop is declared inside another for loop is called nested for loop. The life of the inner for loop is depending over the outer for loop. If the outer for loop condition is true then inner for loop is evaluated. And will executes all the statements until condition is true if the inner for loop to be false then the outer for loop condition is reevaluated and so on.
For example:
10 20 30 40 50
10 20 30 40 50
10 20 30 40 50
10 20 30 40 50
10 20 30 40 50
2. Write a program to display following output:
While Loop:-
The while loop is also a entry control loop. While loop first checks whether the initial condition is true or false and finding it to be true, it will enter the loop and execute the statement.
1. Write a program to print even number from 1 to 100.
Do while loop:-
This loop is an exit control loop. This loop runs at least the once even though the termination condition is set to false. This loop test the condition at exit point hence it is called exit control loop. The syntax of the loop is similar to while loop.
1. Write a program to display odd numbers from 100 to 1.
2. Write a program to read the employee name, address for the N employee and display by using while loops.
S.N. | While loop | S.N. | Do while loop |
1 | It is an entry controlled loop. | 1 | It is an exit controlled loop. |
2 | Testing starting in top | 2 | Testing started at the bottom. |
3 | It has keyword while | 3 | It has the keywords do and while. |
4 | If the first condition is true then the statement is executed otherwise no. | 4 | But in case at least one time executed statement if the condition is false. |
5 | Loop is not terminated with a semicolon. | 5 | Loop is terminated with a semicolon. |
6 | Syntax,
while (expression) { //statements } |
6 | Syntax,
do { //statements } while (expression); |
1) break statements:
The break statement is used to terminate a loop or to exit from a switch. it can be used within a for, while, do while switch statement.
2) The continue Statement :
It skips the remaining statements in the body a while, for or do ……while structure proceeds with the next iteration of the loop. The continue statement is used to bypass the execution of the further statements.
3) Go to statement:
The goto statement is used to send the pointer to the specified label. If the label is not defined then the goto statement will not work.
1. Write a program to input any value and display that value in reverse order.
2. Write a program to input a positive number and find its factorial number.
3. Write a program to display the Fibonacci series. 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 …………………n.
4.Write a program to read a number and to check the number is prime or not.
5.Write a program to find out even numbers from 1 to 100 and find their sum also.
6.Write a program to input a number and find out if the number is palindrome or not.
7.Write a program to input a positive number and find out the sum of its individual digits.
8.Write a program to input a number and check if it is an Armstrong number or not.
9.Write a program to display the multiplication table of a given number.
10.Write a program to display all prime numbers upto 1000.
11.Write a program to display all perfect square numbers from 100 to 500.
An array is a collection of data of the similar type all of which are referred by a single variable name. For example, instead of using 50 individual variables to store the names of 50 students, we can use an array to store the names of 50 students.
Advantage of arrays:
Disadvantages of arrays:
There are two types :
Syntax: type array_name[max. size];
Example int n[10];
int age[]= {18,12,19,20,16,16,17};
Syntax: type array_name[No.Rows] [No.Cols];
Example int n[10][5];
int matrix[3][3]= {{0,1,2},{3,4,5},{6,7,8}};
Program: Write a program to read 50 students’ marks and display them.
Program: Write a program to input 5 numbers with constant values initialization in array to display the sum.
Program: Write a program to input the age of 20 students and count the number of students having age in between 20 to 25.
Program: Write a program to find the largest number among ‘n’ numbers.
Program: Write a program to read a matrix, store it in an array and display it.
Program: Write a program to calculate the average age of 10 students.
Program: Write a program to accept the age of 10 different employees and count the no. of employees.
i) Whose age is more than or equal to 60
ii) Whose age is less than 35
Program: Write a program to store N numbers in array and print out the sum with the entire array variable.
Program: Write a program to accept 10 different numbers in array and sort in descending order.
Program: Write a program to store twelve numbers in a double dimensional array and print out the values in table with row wise addition.
Program: Write a program to enter elements for 2×2 matrix and display its transpose.
Program: Write a program to enter elements for 3×3 matrix and display its sum.
The strings are manipulated by specific string function. These are inbuilt functions and defined within string.h header file.
Syntax: strlen(string);
Program: Write a program to store string in array variable and find the length.
2. strrev( ): It helps to reverse the character of the string.
Syntax: strrev(string);
3. strupr( ): It converts lowercase letters in string to uppercase.
Syntax: strupr(string);
4. strlwr( ): It converts uppercase letters in string to lowercase.
Syntax: strlwr(string);
5. strcpy( ): It is used to copy the content of one string to another.
Syntax: strcpy(target,source);
6. strcat( ): It is used to concatenate source string to the target string.
Syntax: strcat(target,source); or strcat(source,target);
7. strcmp( ): It compares two strings on the following basis.
Syntax: strcmp(string1,string2);
Program: Write a program to show use of trcpy,strrev,strupr and strlwr.
Program: Write a program to read two strings in an array and concatenate strings.
Program: Write a program to read two strings in an array and compare two strings and check that string is palindrome or not.
Functions are the building block of statements, which take some data, manipulate them and can return a value. Bug free functions can be used repeatedly from other parts of the program. There are two types of functions:
2. User Defined functions (Defined by user according to need): users can create their own function for performing this type of function called user defined function.
Syntax of user defined functions;
2. Write a program to calculate the area of a rectangle using function.
Program: Write a program to find out the area of a circle through a given radius as an argument using a function.
Program: Write a program in C to create a function to pass two numbers as an argument and to return a sum to the calling function.
Program: Write a program to find out the sum and square of two input number without passing arguments function.
The function which performs recursion is called a recursive function. Recursion is a process by which a function calls itself repeatedly until some specified condition has been satisfied.
The function which calls itself is known as recursive function and the concept of using recursive functions to repeat the execution of statements as per the requirement is known as recursion. The criteria for recursive functions are:
Program: Write a program to calculate factorials by using a recursion process.
Program: Write a program to read a number and make the sum of individual digits & print using recursion technique.
Program: Write a program to calculate sum of n-natural numbers using recursion/recursive function.
There are two types of accessing a function.
1. Call by value: Only the values of arguments are the same to the function and any change made to the formal arguments does not change the actual arguments.
Program: Write a C program trying to exchange two values by using a call by value accessing function.
2. Call by reference: When we pass an address to a function the parameters receiving the address should be pointers. The process of calling a function by using a pointer to pass the address of the variable is known as call by reference.
Program: Write a C program to exchange two values by using call by reference accessing function.
Structure is a collection of variables under a single name. As an example, if we want to store data with multiple data types like roll number, student name, address, phone number and class of a student then C supports a structure which allows us to wrap one or more variables with different data types. Each variable in a structure is called a structure member. To define a structure, we use the struct keyword. Syntax;
We can also declare a structure ,
We can also declare array of variables at a time of declaring a structure as:
Unions like structure contain members whose individual data types may differ from one another. However the members that compose a union all share the same storage area within the computer memory where as each member within a structure is assigned its own unique storage area. Syntax;
Union union_name
Union_member (s);
S.N. | Structure | S.N. | Union |
1. | Structure is designed by using the ‘struct’ keyword. | 1. | Union is designed by using ‘union’ keyword. |
2. | Syntax: struct structure_name
{ Data_type member1; Data_type member1; } |
2. | Syntax: union union_name
{ Data_type member1; Data_type member1; } |
3. | All the members of the structure variable can be processed at a given time. | 3. | Only one member of the union variable can be processed at a time because only one member of the union variable can be active at a time. |
4. | We use structure variables if memory is large and have to store values of all of the variables. | 4. | We use union variables if memory is less and have to store one variable in one of the declared variables or members. |
5. | Structures are broadly used in
programming. |
5. | Unions are not used broadly as much as structures. |
6. | Structure declaration takes a large amount of spaces to store data and values. | 6. | Union declaration shares the same area of memory to save storage space. |
Example 1: Write a C program to read different structure variables and display them.
Program: Write a program to input the employee name and their basic salary of n employees and display the record in proper format.
Program: Write a program that reads different names and addresses into the computer and rearrange the names into alphabetical order using the structure variables.
A pointer is a variable that points to a memory location where data is stored. Each memory cell in the computer has an address which can be used to access its location. A pointer variable points to a memory location rather than a value.
– We can access and change the contents of the memory location.
– A pointer variable contains the memory location of another variable.
– The asterisk tells the compiler that you are creating a pointer variable.
The pointer declaration syntax is as shown below.
Pointer_type *pointer_variable_name;
For e.g. int *p;
Address (&) and indirection (*) operator
The address (&) operator and immediately preceding variable returns the address of the variable associated with it. Hence, the address of (&) operator returns the address of memory location in which the variable is stored.
The indirection (*) operator is used to extract value from the memory location stored in the particular memory location whose address is stored in a pointer variable.
The syntax of declaring address operator to pointer variable is as follows.
Pointer_variable = &variable_name;
For Example;
int *ptr, num=25;
ptr = #
Program: Write a complete program to display address and value of the pointer variable.
Pointer to Arithmetic
Write a C program to increment a pointer.
Program: Write a program to pass pointer variables to function sum them and display after returning it.
Program: Write a C program to assign an array, place these arrays in a pointer variable and display array value along with its address.
Program: Write a program to demonstrate the use of pointer to pointers:
Advantage of Pointer
Data file requires that information be written and stored on the memory device in the form of a data file. Thus, data file access and alter that information whenever information in C.
Sequential Access File:
The sequential access files allow reading the data from the file in one after another i.e. in sequence. There is no predefined order for accessing data file. All the processes are declare and assigned by the compiler during run time of the program.
Random Access File:
The random access files allow reading data from any location in the file. Sometimes, we need to read data file from reverse, middle and from specific location. To achieve this, C defines a set of functions to manipulate the position of the file. The inbuilt function fseek( ), lseek( ), rewind( ) and ftell( ) are the some of the common examples of random access files.
Opening, Reading, Writing and Appending on/from Data File:
Once the file pointer has been declared, the next step is to open file. There is an inbuilt function to open a file. The function fopen( ) is used to create a steam for use and links of new open file. This function return a file pointer and takes two parameter one for name of file and other for mode for the file. The syntax is as follows;
FILE *f;
f = fopen (“file_name.extension”, “mode_of_open”);
The modes of the data file are as follows:
S.N. | Mode | Description |
1 | “r” / “rt” | It opens a text file to read only mode. |
2 | “w” / “wt” | It creates a text file to write only mode. |
3 | “a” / “at” | It appends text to already data containing file. |
4 | “r+t” | It opens a text file for read and write mode. |
5 | “w+t” | It creates a text file for read and write mode. |
6 | “a+t” | It opens or creates a text file and read mode. |
7 | “rb” | It opens a binary file for read only mode. |
8 | “wb” | It creates a binary file for write only mode. |
9 | “ab” | It opens or create a binary file for append mode. |
10 | “r+b” | It opens a binary file for read and write mode. |
11 | “w+b” | It creates a binary file for read and write mode. |
12 | “a+b” | It opens or creates a binary file for append mode. |
Opening a data file
FILE *fptr
fptr = fopen (“filename” , ”mode”)
Where, File name can be “library.txt”, “student.dat” ..etc
“w” to write/store data in a data file.
“r” to display/read/retrieve/access data from a datafile.
“a” to add/append data in existing datafile.
Store/write data
fprintf(fptr , ”format specifiers” ,variables);
Eg; suppose if we want to store name, disease, age and bed number of a patient then, it is written as
fprintf(fptr , ”%s %s %d %d”, n, d, a, b);
Where, variable are initialized as:
char n[10], d[10];
int a, b;
Program example
1) Create a datafile “patient.txt” and store name, disease, age and bed number of a patient.
[Note: This program will store only a single record. To store multiple records we have to use a loop as following programs.]
2) Create a datafile “student.txt” and store name, class and marks obtained in 3 different subject for few students/n-students.
3) Create a datafile “student.txt” and store name, class and marks obtained in 3 different subject until user press “y” / as per user requirement.
1) A datafile “student.txt” contains name, class and marks obtained in 3 different subjects of a few students. Write a C program to add 200 more records.
After 200 iterations, the program will stop and close the file “student.txt”. The file will contain the entered student records, each on a separate line, formatted as:
You can verify the contents of the “student.txt” file after running the program to see the recorded student information.
2) A datafile “student.txt” contains name, class and marks obtained in 3 different subjects of a few students. Write a C program to add more records until the user presses “y” / as per user requirement.
After the user enters the data, the program writes it to the file “student.txt”.
fscanf(fptr , ”format specifiers” ,variables);
Eg; Suppose if we want to display/read name, disease, age and bed number of a patient from data file then, it is written as
fscanf(fptr , ”%s %s %d %d”, n, d, &a, &b);
Where, variable are initialized as:
char n[10], d[10];
int a,b;
EOF: End of file
2) A datafile “student.txt” contains name, class and marks obtained in 3 different subjects of a few students. Write a C program to read and display only records whose name is Ram.
3) A datafile “student.txt” contains name, class and marks obtained in 3 different subjects of a few students. Write a C program to read and display only records who pass in all subjects.
4) A datafile “student.txt” contains name, class and marks obtained in 3 different subjects of a few students. Write a C program to read and display only records who fail in any one subject.
5) A datafile “student.txt” contains name, class and marks obtained in 3 different subjects of a few students. Write a C program to read and display only name and percentage of all students.
6) A datafile “student.txt” contains name, class and marks obtained in 3 different subjects of a few students. Write a C program to read and display only records of all students who secure distinction.
Program: Write a program to read a line and store it in a data file and display the contents.
Program: Write a C program to read N students, record, store them in data file and display the content in appropriate format by using fprintf and fscanf function.
Program: Write a program using C language that reads successive records from the new data file and display each record on the screen in an appropriate format.
Program: Write a C program to read sentences until the enter key is pressed. Put every word in the data file by using the fputs( ) fucnction and display the content of the file by using fgets( ) function.
Program: Write a C program to read ages of N students, store them in age.txt file and find out the average age after reading from the data file.
Program: Write C program to read already created data file student.txt and display its contents if it opens otherwise print message “The file ……does not exists”.
Fwrite | S.N. | fprintf |
Binary format writing | 1. | No binary format. |
Size of data. | 2. | Size of data is not fix |
Number of records. | 3. | No number of records. |
We store the data in block form so not in format form. | 4. | Format string used to store the data in the format form. |
Fixed block size. | 5. | No block size. |
S.N. | Structure | S.N. | Pointer |
1. | Structure is use to store the difference type of data member like as char, int, float etc. | 1. | Where is pointer is use to store the address of another location (variable). |
2. | Structure is use to maintain the records. | 2. | Whereas pointer is use to create link list. |
3. | Structure can’t be use to access the hardware. | 3. | Pointer can be use to access the hardware. |
4. | Structure can’t be use to create memory run time. | 4. | But pointer are use to create the memory runtime. |
5. | Structure can be declared as pointer variable. | 5. | Pointer can be declared inside the structure. |
S.N. | Break Keywords (Statement) | S.N. | Continue Keywords (Statement) |
1. | The break statement is use to terminate the loop unconditionally. | 1. | The continue statement is used return the pointer at the beginning of the loop. |
2. | The break statement can also be use inside the switch statement. | 2. | But the continue can be use inside the switch statement. |
3. | The break statement is use to terminate the loop. | 3. | The continue statement is use to repeat set of statements. |
4. | Example
void main( ) { int i; for (i=1; i<=10; i++) { If (i==5) { break; } printf(“%d”,i); } } Output= 1,2,3,4. |
4. | Example
void main( ) { int num; for (num=1; num!=10; num+1) { If(num==7) { continue; } printf(“%d”,num); } } Output= 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9. |
S.N. | Array | S.N. | Pointer |
1. | Array is create continue memory location with same type. | 1. | Pointer creates only one block of memory but access all memory of another variable. |
2. | Array takes huge of memory. | 2. | Pointer takes less and less memory. |
3. | Array is to be fixed at the time of declaration. | 3. | Whereas pointer size can be change at the run time. |
4. | In array we can free the memory run time. | 4. | But using pointer the dynamic allocated memory can be make free at run time. |
5. | If we allocated huge sized of array and we get few information then unnecessary memory will be occupied. | 5. | But this problem can resolved by using the pointer. |
6. | Using array technique to accessing the array elements is more different comparison to pointer. | 6. | It is easier than array. |